Notable members of the Turners’ Company
We are very proud to have many notable members of The Turners’ Company. This list is continually being updated as our members achieve great things.

The Turners’ Company and the Crown Jewels
A Past Master of the Turners’ Company, Professor James Tennant, Mineralogist to Queen Victoria, supervised the recutting of the legendary Koh-i-Noor diamond. He transformed it from a large, flawed gem to the fabulous 105.6 carat oval brilliant to be seen in the Queen Mother’s Crown today.

Medieval Turners – Wills and Widows
Members of the Livery who attended our Ladies’ Dinner in April 2010 will remember the talk given by Caroline Barron, until recently Professor of the History of London at Royal Holloway College, University of London, about the medieval Turners of London. Our Company’s detailed records begin in 1593, the date

Early Bronze Age Turners
By Stuart King In August 2011, an early Bronze Age 4000 years old cist (a small chamber made of thin stone slabs) burial was discovered on Dartmoor. Inside were the cremated remains of a female and, almost uniquely for this period, well preserved grave goods including four lathe-turned ear studs

Lady Gertrude Crawford, a remarkable turner
Lady Gertrude Crawford with her Holtzapffel ornamental lathe, fitted with an electric motor. Lady Gertrude Eleanor Crawford was borne into an aristocratic family of turners but established her own mark as a lady turner at a time in history when it was very much a man’s world but proved she

The Turners’ Consort
The Turners’ Company charity has commissioned a ‘consort’ of eight turned medieval-style recorders Made by Tim Cranmore, one of the UK’s leading instrument makers, the consort will be loaned to the Guildhall School of Music & Drama for teaching and performances by students specialising in woodwind instruments and historical performance.