Inter-Livery Pancake Races 2024
February 13th 2024 was Shrove Tuesday and the 20th Livery Pancake Race organised by the Poulters Company was due to take place. Regrettably rain prevented the races from taking place in the Guildhall yard, making the surface too slippery, however alternatives were arrived at and the Masters entered a “pancake tossing” race downstairs in the Guildhall, the winner being the Master making the most tosses in 30 seconds. Our Master Turner put up a good fight, but was beaten by Master Tyler & Bricklayer with an impressive 80 flips of the pan in the time allowed!
The Novelty costumes were judged, the Poulters chicken getting special mention, with the winner being “Good Queen Bess” by the Plaisterers’ Company.
These photographs tell the tale. Liveryman Derek Stimpson
Money raised from this event goes to the Lord Mayor’s Charities.