Turning Competitions Winning Entries

A10 Rodney Page 1st prize Masters Open

Turning Competitions Winning Entries

The 2018 turning competitions were a huge success with over 1,000 visitors passing through the doors of Carpenters’ Hall.  We were delighted to receive a substantial increase in the number of entries compared to previous competitions with over 200 items on display across the 12 categories reflecting the wide variety of skill within the craft of turning.  Those visiting were able to see these skills being demonstrated throughout the event on the various lathes using different techniques. Many congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to all the turners who took part, contributing to a spectacular display.

Photographs all taken by Liveryman and Turner Stuart King

A Master’s Open Competition (plain turning)

For a pair of anything, not necessarily matching

1st PrizeRodney Page (a10)    2nd PrizeMargaret Garrard (a4)    3rd PrizeColin Priddy (a1)    CommendedRoy Weare (a3)    CommendedMike Haselden (a8)

AA Master’s Ornamental Turning Competition

For a decorated chalice

1st PrizeMaggie Wright (aa5)    2nd PrizeGerry Marlow (aa4)    3rd PrizePeter Johnson (aa3)

C Master’s Open Themed Competition

The 100th Anniversary of the Armistice

1st PrizeMargaret Garrard (c7)    2nd PrizeStuart King (c23)    3rd PrizeRodney Page (c19)    School PrizePoppy Maisey (c4)

B Felix Levy Open Competition

For any piece of work, with no restriction to subject, size or style

1st PrizeRichard Kennedy (b29)    2nd Prize (joint)Colin Priddy (a2)    2nd Prize (joint)Roy Weare (b6)    CommendedMaggie Wright (b32)

DS Bert Marsh Company Competition

For any piece of work, with no restriction to subject, size or style (Company members only)

1st PrizeAndrew Mayer (ds7)    2nd PrizeRichard Levy (ds2)

DN Bert Marsh Certificate Competition

For any piece of work, with no restriction to subject, size or style (Company certificate holders only)

1st PrizeIan Malpas (dn27)    2nd PrizeColin James (dn6)    CommendedDarren Crisp (dn4 & dn5)    CommendedLynda Stone (dn7)    CommendedColin Amos (dn25)

G The Lady Gertrude Crawford Competition

For a significant proportion of the work to be by conventional ornamental turning. All forms of rose turning are excluded

1st Prize (Gold Medal)Jean Claude Charpignon (g2)    CommendedRichard Hoodless (g4)    CommendedRobert Wade (g7)

E Fred Howe Competition

For a significant proportion of the work to be by rose turning or a combination of both ornamental and rose turning

1st Prize (Gold Medal)Jean Claude Charpignon (e3)    CommendedArthur Kingdon (e6)

e6 Arthur Kingdon Commended Fred Howe

F H E Twentyman Competition

For predominantly plain form, not necessarily of circular section, with the addition of a discrete element of ornamental using either or both conventional ornamental turning and rose turning techniques.

1st Prize (Silver Medal)Jean Claude Charpignon (f3)    CommendedGerry Marlow (f6)    CommendedMaggie Wright (f8)

H AWGB Plain Turning Competition (Senior)

For any piece of work, with no restriction to subject, size or style (AWGB members only)

1st Prize (Gold Medal)Roy Weare (h5)    2nd Prize (Silver Medal)Mike Haselden (h17)    3rd Prize (Bronze Medal)Graham Barnard (h32)

K AWGB Plain Turning Competition (Junior – The Ray Key Competition)

For any piece of work, with no restriction to subject, size or style (AWGB under 21 members only)

1st Prize (Gold Medal)Matt Underwood (k4)    2nd Prize (Silver Medal)Owen Schroder (k5)    3rd Prize (Bronze Medal)Thomas Alford (k1)

M Pole Lathe Turning Competition

For a candlestick

1st PrizeOlvin Smith (m1)    2nd PrizeMike Gordon (m10)    3rd PrizeKeith Leonard (m7)

Find out more about the AWGB, The Association of the Woodturners of Great Britain, and the RPT, Register of Professional Turners

The next competitions will be held during Wizardry in Wood 2020, 14th to 17th October 2020, at Carpenters’ Hall, London, EC2N 2JJ

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