The Worshipful Company of Turners

Supporting the Craft, City and Charity for over four hundred years

The Max Carey Woodturning Trust Visit

Following the very popular visit to The Max Carey Woodturning Trust in Portishead by members of the Court last year, we are planning a return visit for Company members and their partners/guests (if they wish to come) next March.

Loose ends — Cockpit Turners Award Article

Cockpit Arts and The Worshipful Company of Turners joined forces in 2011 to create the first Cockpit Arts Turners Award. Lasting for one year, the award helps creative individuals with drive, an entrepreneurial spirit and the necessary craft skills to build a viable business from turing.

How did Matthew Corbishley turn this slab of African Mahogany into the St Marylebone Church Candle?

How did this slab of African Mahogany became the St Marylebone Church Candle? Look out for future news on Matthew's current project - a bowl using rare bog oak burr that is 14,000 years old!

The Children’s Magical Taxi Tour

The Children’s Magical Taxi Tour was created to give sick children a break from their world of treatment and therapy by going on a trip of a lifetime to Disneyland Paris in a convoy of London taxis.

The City of London Historical Society – Ypres 2014

The City of London Historical Society is organising a battlefield visit to Ypres next August 29,30 and 31st and on behalf of the organising committee, I am writing to seek expressions of interest.

Turners News February — March 2014

How wonderful that Alderman Fiona Woolf CBE accepted our invitation to become an Honorary Liveryman in time for a Turner to be Lord Mayor of London in 2013 - 2014. In support of our Lord Mayor the Company mounted a float in the Lord Mayor's Show - not just any old float but the longest and heaviest in the biggest parade in modern times.

East Herts Woodturners Host Youth Training Day

Since 2010, the East Herts Club has been organising hands-on woodturning taster sessions to raise awareness of woodturning amongst young people. We understand that, subsequently, a few of these youngsters have attended clubs around the country. Following on from a successful taster session for about 30 scouts last year it was agreed to host a teaching day under the AWGB/Worshipful Company of Turners Youth Training Programme.

Master Traces Turning in Sweden

It is a truth universally recognised that a man in possession of a powerful and shiny new car is in want of a fulfilling journey on open roads. And so it was, dear reader, that your Master embarked upon a 2,000 mile return trip by road from London to Stockholm for his summer holiday. Experiencing the sheer delight of his red Jaguar sweeping effortlessly through the un-crowded landscape of the Mistress’s native Sweden was a dream fulfilled, with much to interest followers of our craft as well.

City Livery Concert — Sunday 22nd June 2014 — Barbican

I am writing as Sheriff and as the Sponsoring Alderman for the 2014 City Livery Concert to ask you to invite your Liverymen and Freemen and their families/associates to join in this key event in the City of London calendar.

The Turners’ Company has two masters!

Most unusually, there are presently two Masters on our Court. The day before our own Election Court, Assistant Nic Somers became Master of the Company of Arts Scholars. The Deputy Master (on that day, still the Master Turner) represented the Turners’ Company at the Arts Scholars installation dinner that was held, overlooking the Tower of London, in the splendid surroundings of Trinity House. The Company of Arts Scholars are expected to become a Livery Company during 2014. The Master Turner has the greatest pleasure in congratulating the Master Arts Scholar on his appointment but reminds him that despite his exalted status he still remains the Master’s Steward of the Turners’ Company!

Court visit to No 4 School of Technical Training RAF at St Athan

While the Company’s major Armed Forces association is with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), we also have close ties with the Royal Naval Defence School of Marine Engineering (HMS SULTAN) and the RAF’s No 4 School of Technical Training at St Athan, near Cardiff.

The Lord Mayor’s Tree Party and Liveries Wood Group

On the afternoon of June 24th, people walking past the Mansion House were astonished to see a lorry pull up and disgorge eight huge round containers each bearing a leafy tree five metres high. With much heaving and groaning, members of the Lord Mayor’s staff carried them into the Mansion House, put them in a lift and installed them in the magnificent Egyptian Room.

London Green Wood report to the Worshipful Company of Turners

In 2012 we ran a total of 109 events, which is an average of more than two per week. That included: 12 Saturday meetings of the Association of Pole-lathe Turners and Green Woodworkers (APTGW), 88 midweek workshops (mainly on Wednesdays and Thursdays), 7 days of courses, and 2 demos. We registered 73 new participants in 2012.

Battlefield Tour to Ypres

The Friends of St George's are arranging this tour and there are a few places available. Chief Executive of the ‘Not Forgotten’ Association, Colonel Piers Story-Pugh, an expert on First World War battlefields will accompany the tour.

Taking a Very Positive Turn in Bristol

On the 17th November, 4 A-level students of Product Design, and seven Year 11 GCSE students attended a one day intensive wood turning course sponsored by the Association of Wood Turners of Great Britain. The course was held in a large workshop in Portishead (near Bristol), which was donated to the AWGB by a former member and is now run as a charitable trust which provides a Youth Training and Development Programme to attract young enthusiasts into the art of woodturning.

A visit to the City of London Distillery

At 6.30pm on 20 March 2013 a group of 20 intrepid liverymen and their guests set off on a voyage of discovery. Led by Jamie the distiller and Nathan the barman, we began our journey of discovery and enlightenment on all things ‘Gin’.

Hot News From The City

Keep updated with the latest news from the City of London in a new quarterly news sheet designed principally for Livery Companies. Highlights include the Lord Mayor's vision for his year in office, world economic forum global risks report, economic crime conference and youth initiatives.

Master in Turning Award 2012

With 'almost too many achievements to list', Freeman Ray Key has been awarded the new Master in Turning award.

American Woodturner Article

An article about the Company was published in December 2012's edition of American Woodturner.

A Magical Weekend

The Magical Taxi Tour gives sick children a break from their world of treatment and therapy by going on a trip of a lifetime to Disneyland Resort Paris in a convoy of London Taxis. And this year we had the special opportunity to support a family, driven to Paris by our own Clerk.

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