The Master completes Certificate in Woodturning at the Max Carey Trust
Over the first Bank holiday weekend in May, nine Turners and guests spent two fun days learning a few turning skills at the Max Carey Woodturning Trust in Bristol.
They were joined by the Master, Dr Matthew Gaved, who was completing the Company’s “Certificate in Turning“, and became the first ever Master to do so!
A sociable couple of days, including two suppers at the local Italian restaurant, was spent with every two novices having a teacher and producing mallets, dibbers and bowls . The teachers were excellent and everyone couldn’t wait to get back to their lathes the next day and after lunch breaks – the smiles at the end of the day told the story.
If you haven’t turned and want to learn – take the opportunity to attend the next Max Carey weekend.
Mark Kermack, Court Assistant
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